Nippers FAQ's 

1. What is Nippers?

Nippers are  usually aged between 5 and 14 years old. Nippers  participate in a variety of activities each week including beach sprints, flags, swimming/wade (age dependant), boards and  relays. They also complete an award lesson each week where they learn the non physical aspects of life saving.

They learn about dangers such as rocks, animals (e.g. jelly fish) and surf conditions, such as rip currents, sand bars and waves. Older Nippers also learn some basic first aid and CPR.

All of the activities are presented in a fun, friendly, engaging and age appropriate manner.

2. Is my child old enough to join Nippers ? What age group will my child be in?

To work out what age group your child is in, is based on how old they are on the 30 September:

  • Under 6 - 5 by the 30 September
  • Under 7 - 6 by the 30 September
  • Under 8 - 7 by the 30 September
  • Under 9 - 8 by the 30 September
  • Under 10 - 9 by the 30 September
  • Under 11 - 10 by the 30 September
  • Under 12 - 11 by the 30 September
  • Under 13 - 12 by the 30 September
  • Under 14 and above SRC

3. What day and time is Nippers? Is it on all year?

Nippers runs for a season like a lot of other sports. This season we will begin on the 10th and 11th of August with 2 pool sessions and finish on the 3 th of December. Kids who have competition proficiencies will be able to continue training until the end of our season mid March 2025.

A full calendar identifies all nippers sessions with a dolphin.

Nippers mornings are Sunday  8:30am  - 11:00am 

4. Proficiencies, what are they and who needs to complete them?

Each of our nippers will complete a pool proficiency and our Under 8's and above will also complete a beach proficiency before they begin our Nippers Program. Note: the proficiency requirement on the attached link is correct but the ages is not (refer to above). 

These skills allow us to gauge their ability in the water environment. The requirements are different for each age group, you can find the table listing the specifics.

5. Do you teach my child to swim?

The direct answer to this is no, if your child can't swim then we recommend they off set Nippers with swimming lessons. Under 8's and below are only allowed to enter the water to a wade depth, they won't be swimming. What we do teach your child is how to swim effectively in the ocean eg how to read waves, breathing with waves, sighting the beach or direction travelled etc. 

6. How much does Nippers Cost this season?

To begin this answer it is important to note that a parent/care giver needs to join our club with their nipper/s.

Join at

If you are an existing member, log into your account and you can renew your members. 

7. Child Safety 

This one is not so much of a question as it is general information and requirements. It is a requirement that each parent/caregiver hold a Blue Card and also complete the SLSA Child Safety and CYRMS online modules as part of your membership process. These 2 modules will be available in your members portal. More information on this process will be given during membership. 

We take our nippers safety seriously and the above mentioned are an important part of this.  We cannot accept any children where a parent or care giver cannot obtain a Blue Card or Blue Card Exempt (due to their profession).

We ask that one parent/caregiver stay on the beach each Sunday during Nippers. If your Nipper needs to leave the beach, such as to use the bathroom, they must inform their Age Manager. The Age Manager may then ask you to accompany your Nipper. When returning, your Nipper should be handed back to their Age Manager. You will need to get verbal confirmation from the Age Manager both when leaving and returning, to ensure everyone is aware of the whereabouts and who is responsible for their care at the time.

Members can share photos in our private Facebook group but you are only able to share your child's photo outside of this group. Do not share any photos that include Nippers outside your care. We can all appreciate that everyone has different circumstances and we need to be respectful of this. Please speak to Alecia (JAC Coordinator) or your Nippers Age Manager if you have any questions regarding this.

For information about Member Protection Strategy, Policies and Procedures, including where to find documents please see one of our friendly volunteers. 

8. What do we need to bring on a Sunday morning?

  • a positive, friendly,  give it a go attitude
  • Sunscreen - Sun safety is important to our club 
  • Water bottle - these are carried around in caddies during the morning. 
  • Towel
  • Goggles - not required but recommended
  • Nippers are required to wear:
    • A full stinger suit
    • A pink high vis vest
    • A dolphin club cap or red/green cap
  • No stinger suit means no water events - this is not negotiable.

9. Where can I purchase the required items?

Our Uniform shop will be open each week for purchases. A full list of items in our shop and pricing can be found HERE

10. What does a typical Sunday Morning look like?

8:30am Sign in 

8:45am Announcements

9:00am Group Warm Up 

9:20am Award Lesson 

9:40am - 11:00am Nippers rotate through 4 x 20 minute sessions. They will participate in Flags, Sprints, Swimming and Boards (U8 and below use boogie boards)

11:00am Equipment wash down and pack up. Many hands make light work and we ask that everyone gets involved in this process.

Once the clean up is completed your Nipper will be signed out. 

Breakfast is available at the Club House 

11. My question isn't here or I still don't quite understand

No worries, send any additional questions to Alecia our Junior Activities Chairperson, she is more than happy to answer additional questions or explain the above further.

  • Club House +61 4969 6680

Eimeo SLSC​
Eimeo Esplanade
 Eimeo QLD 4740


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