Thank you all for your patience around the new sign in and out process.
We are excited to not have wet mouldy paper rolls this season! I do understand that it is taking a bit longer for you though and we appreciate you bearing with us while we figure it out. This season was always going to be a bit of trial and error. To make this work easier going forward, may the Nippers leave their Dolphin Caps off until they have signed in with their Age Manager. This will help identify anyone that hasn’t signed in.
At the end of Nippers everyone is asked to help pack up the beach and then sign out at the Club House with their Age Manager.
Many hands make light work and we
really do appreciate your help packing up. Everything needs a hose and to be put back in our container.
We would all like to say thank you to the parents that have jumped in to help out during our rotations. Even something as simple (I know it isn’t actually a simple job ) as helping crowd control or replace the flags is amazing.
We have an amazing team of Age Managers, if you would like to be an Assistant Age Manager I would love to hear from you. As we approach Stinger Season it is important that we all model stinger suit coverage in the water. This not only helps our Nippers but members of the public who look and see all members in the water covered. I’m sure you are also aware that it may just save your life also.
Ourr Club Calendar is the place to see when each age group is manning the Nippers BBQ and doing the Friday night raffle. Thank you to all the families that have helped out with these so far this season. We have a big tub of lost property. It is out each week, please have a look through if you are missing anything. We are 95% across the line on an Inter Club event on our beach. Stay tuned for info on this one, we are excited!
Heath, Alison and Judy will be at the beach this Sunday for Albatross Nippers and look forward to seeing their crew as well :)
See you all Sunday - Alecia Malouf
Junior Activities Chairperson
Thank you to everyone who helped to volunteer with Oktoberfest 2023! It was great to see a number of new faces popping up along with our friends the Outriggers.
A special call out to David and Sarah Dowden who put in a huge number of hours behind the scenes making this amazing event possible.
Oktoberfest was only possible due to our amazing Sponsors: Mackay Regional Council, Triple M, STG, Key Solutions Group, DBCT, Sonic Health Plus, Macrossan and Amiet, Explore Property - Stacy Brand, Construct Health Physio, TEAM Group, Dolphin Heads Resort and Redplay.
Our event raised over $18,000 with 90% of it going towards paying our insurance bill for the year.
October every year is our annual SOS Appeal. We are required to fundraise as part of this to cover essential rescue equipment for our beach. Our target is $2,500 and we have smashed that already with shake a can at Oktoberfest, a fabulous donation of $500 and burgers last Friday night.
This week we are cooking schnitzles as our final run at the SOS Appeal on Friday night. We want to see how close to $5,000 we can get!
We are looking for 3 volunteers - if you are interested email
U11 are selling raffle tickets this Friday night. Please let your Age Manager or know if you are able to attend.
We have a Bronze Course that we are trying to kick off this coming weekend (it is taking a lot of time with the new system to sort out roadblocks to registrations). If you are interested please email and Cynthia can walk you through getting registered or troubleshooting the technology.
Mental Health First Aid - this course counts as professionals development points for health care (IE nurses etc)
Maddi Caughlan – SLSQ Member Welfare Coordinator, for a proposed date for Mental Health First Aid Training in Mackay.
Mental Health First Aid Training courses are being held in Mackay - 18th and 19th of November.
There is a limit on how many people can attend, please fill in the expression of interest if you would like to attend.Expression of Interest - Mental Health First Aid
Information on the course:
The course is a 2-day course and will go for roughly 7 hours per day. Lunch will be supplied.
Members are getting this course for free, which normally costs around $250-350 pp. (Funding is only available for 2023.2024)
Standard Mental Health First Aid training is designed for adults to support other adults. Course participants learn how to provide initial support to another adult who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical evidence-based action plan.
It will provide members the warning signs of mental health problems in other adults, provide skills to talk about mental health, how to respond in crisis and reduce the stigma around mental health.
Topics covered include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and behaviours. You will learn how and where to get help when a person is developing a mental illness, what help research has shown to be effective and how to provide first aid in crisis situations.If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to either myself or Maddi –
eLearning has your Bronze or Surf Rescue Certificate Proficiency open and ready to be completed. Go to your Members Portal and access. This needs to be completed prior to the Skills Component.
Proficiencies will be held at Eimeo on the following dates / times:
- after nippers on the 22nd October (approx 11am)
- 11 November at 7.30 am
- 17 December 8am
There is a course now set up on the new SLSQ Hub for the Marine Stinger Award. If you have not done so, please enrol in this course and start completing the material.
There are printed version of the patrol roster in the First Aid room. Your patrol roster is available in your members portal. You can also access a version for your fridge here:
We have Patrol Group 2 and 3 on this weekend coming. Please ensure you communicate with your Patrol Captain if you are unable to attend and find a swap.
Patrollers are asked to keep the First Aid room clean and tidy. There is to be no gear left on the bed and bags if left in the room need to be put under the bench. There is a cleaning list laminated on the back of the door. From this week we will be getting each patrol to come in as part of their tasks to make sure the room is as per the list.
A reminder that the Marine Stinger Risk Assessment Form needs to be completed. There is a new bound book of sheets in the patrol room.
Any questions -
It is great seeing so many of our kids coming down to Wednesday afternoon training and Sunday mornings.
Forrest Beach as usual was a ripper carnival and all of our team did very well.
We are in the final week build up for North Aussies and this week we have the following sessions:
- Wednesday 4.30 at Eimeo - water and beach
- Friday 4.30 at Eimeo - beach only
- Saturday 10am pool rescue Pioneer
- Saturday 3pm - water session with Sarina at Mackay Harbour Beach at 3pm - this is U11 and up for those competing at North Aussies
- Sunday 7.30am at Eimeo
If kids are going to Harbour on Saturday afternoon you will need to organise the transport of your own board.
Any questions - Ross at
Congratulations to all our club members who have been kicking goals in activities outside of lifesaving.
Last weekend Madi was representing Capricornia at the State Athletic Titles where she competed in the 100m, 200m, 800m and 1500m. Her best result was 6th in 1500m. Congrats! What an amazing achievement. This year Madi been to State Titles for 5 different sports! Not sure many kids in the State will have that achievement!
Let us know about your kids successes so that we can help celebrate their success - send a photo and a brief summary to

- No updates
Blue Book - PSAR35 - Change to access (manual for Surf lifesaving)
It's now FREE! You can access it here:
IRB Crew eLearning Changes
The elearning for IRB Crew has been removed. This is face to face until they launch the new eLearning platform. We do not believe this has impacted any of our members.
This week is Schnitzles and German Sausage Night. All money raised from dinner will go towards our SOS Appeal.
Book your table by emailing
On your email please ensure you provide: name, approx time & number of people
This week we will be launching our Goanna Brewing Beer on Tap: $20 jug of beer | $22 jug of cider or ginger beer.
To welcome summer we will also have jugs of Sangria freshly made for $20